Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Guitar Hero is officially out of control

Ok first off, this isn't, technically, a music/synth related post. I've tried to stray away from posting random shit I'm interested in and instead stay on task with music/noise related gear, but this one is close enough that I couldn't pass up.

Let me also say that I love playing Guitar Hero. I have GH1 and GH2 on PS2 and it's a blast, particularly when playing with friends (and with beer).

That being said, this Peavey Riff Master Pro System for GH is fucking ridiculous. If you are going to drop that much money on what essentially is a gutted real guitar and real PA system, just buy a fucking guitar and learn to play it. Start a band. Start a cover band if you must. This quite possibly could be one of the lamest things I have ever seen.

What I'm actually more puzzled by (actually *afraid of* might be the better choice) is if there are actually bands that play GH in front of people. And I don't mean like friends get together at a bar and watch others play...I mean there's a real show and venue and everything. Are there girls there? If I saw such a show I think I would throw up...right before I imploded. I don't know wether to be sad for or mad at the target market of this thing.

oh well. back to real life.


synthetic said...

I can't imagine a single customer for this thing that I would not say "get a life" to. Unless it was a little kid with cancer...

No, I would still tell him to get a life.

brandon daniel said...

ha, yeah, I admit to having recently been sucked into guitar hero land, it's damn addictive...

kakihara said...

hahaha check out an episode about that in the last South Park season!

i've played once and it was Reing in Blood from Slayer(GH3) and Ace of Spade(GH2)...yeah metal!!!

Zerosum Inertia said...

"hahaha check out an episode about that in the last South Park season!"

hahahahahhaha good times! such good times....:D

J.w.M. said...

Holy God. A Guitar Hero band? Sad.

felix said...

That South Park episode was hilarious. What's slightly frightening is that it might not be far from the truth.

I guess so long as I don't hear Stairway played acoustically on a GH controller I'll be ok. :D

surachai said...

I started a band with rock band. We have over 200k fans and have played in more than 10 cities. So.... you tell me who needs a life.....