Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dual Cyclotron Video Demo

The camera will still all setup this morning, so I thought I'd churn out a quick demo for the Dual Cyclotron.

Turned out to be not so quick; it's slightly longer than the Model 24 demo.

There is a correction necessary. During the video I mention that we're listing to the sine wave output of the Dalek was actually the square wave. :p



J.w.M. said...

Wow-- great demo. I really loved the sound of the last patch in the video. Good stuff! Thanks for the videos.

surachai said...

thanks for making these demos. i found all your videos extremely informative and will affect to what i pick up next. i hope you have more coming.
i did a quick installation guide to some modules i recently acquired.

felix said...

Right on, thanks guys! It's nice to know they are being useful and helpful, since that was my original intent and motivation for making them.

More videos are definitely planned, particularly the Livewire Vulcan Modulator and the Plan B Tap Clock. After those, I'll probably post a few choices and let you guys decide which modules to demo next.